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The prevalence and risk factors for vertebral fracture (VF) in children and young adults are not well documented in the literature. A case of a 22-year-old male with multiple VFs, in whom the diagnosis was based on a combination of clinical and radiological findings, is presented. He was a young adult with chronic anemia and failure to thrive. He had multiple VFs associated with markedly decreased vertebral body height on radiographs and a clinically significant kyphosis. The VFs were attributable to pathologic fractures, as a consequence of the metabolic syndrome. The lesion was treated conservatively with analgesics, calcium and iron supplementation. The VF was successfully treated without surgical intervention. This case provides clinical and radiological evidence for multiple VFs in a young adult, with an emphasis on the development of VF in this population. We review the clinical characteristics and risk factors for multiple VFs.Uncatalyzed N-Dealkylation of Ketimines.
In the past two decades, a number of catalysts have been developed to promote the N-dealkylation of ketimines to form N-alkyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolines. However, in many cases, the activity and selectivity have proven to be low and a range of undesirable side reactions occur. In this report, we describe the first example of an uncataly ac619d1d87
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